What does the dentist do with the extracted tooth?
The removed tooth is transferred to a special medical waste container and disposed of. In accordance with restrictive procedures on medical waste management, this is handled by a special company with the appropriate authorization granted by the Provincial Office.

Is a dentist a doctor?
As much as possible — he has a diploma in dentistry, although he specializes in the area of the oral cavity, he also has knowledge of the entire human body.
What does the dentist put into the tooth socket after an extraction?
Often patients wonder and ask “what does the dentist put in the tooth after the extraction”? Of course, we mean the alveolus, left after the procedure. After tooth extraction to fill the root space, a collagen sponge is inserted into the alveolus to stimulate tissue regeneration and stop bleeding. In addition, in cases of inflammation, it can be soaked in an antibiotic.
When is sewing needed?
Surgical suturing after tooth extraction is essential if there are potential difficulties in healing the alveolus. The suture or sutures bring the edges of the wound closer together and also keep a possible dressing in the alveolus to ensure faster healing without complications.
What does the dentist put into the tooth, in the case of root canal treatment?
During root canal treatment, the diseased pulp is removed, and in its place the canals are filled with gutta-percha (which is a biocompatible material). Sometimes endodontic treatment is not completed in a single visit (for example, in the case of very curved and hard-to-reach canals) In that case, to disinfect the canals, a special bactericidal drug is inserted into them, and they are closed with a temporary material.
What does the dentist do with caries?
Caries is bacteria and tooth tissue destroyed by the tooth, which is broken down into small particles with the help of drills and taken away by the suction held by the assistant.
What to eat before visiting the dentist?
Before visiting the dentist, you should eat , as you will be able to have another meal after the anesthesia has stopped. There are no contraindications to the type of food.

Can a dentist refuse to accept a patient?
Yes, in extreme cases when the patient refuses to cooperate or is under the influence of alcohol or intoxicants, the dentist may refuse treatment. This also happens in the case of medical contraindications (e.g., severe systemic diseases when prior consultation with the attending physician is necessary).
Does the surgical procedure hurt?
All procedures are performed under anesthesia, making them completely painless,
Does whitening damage the teeth?
Modern preparations do not damage teeth.
Is the implant for life?
If the patient maintains proper hygiene and attends regular check-ups, he or she will be able to enjoy the implant for many years.

How often to perform dental hygienization?
The frequency of tartar buildup is individual, but most typically the hygienization procedure should be repeated every 6 months.
Is it possible to treat teeth under anesthesia while pregnant?
Yes, there are preparations designed to anesthetize pregnant women.

Can an implant fail to take?
The success rate of implant treatment is about 96%, So, there is a small risk that the implant will not take, and this is mainly due to non-compliance after the procedure or poor hygiene.
This does not exclude the possibility of reinsertion of the implant, which is most often successful.
Can periodontitis be treated?
Yes, periodontitis can be treated. It is necessary to start by recognizing its cause and implementing an appropriate treatment plan. Most frequently, the first step is a thorough examination (including a radiological examination — the so-called pantomogram), followed by thorough oral hygiene, which includes the removal of supragingival and subgingival deposits of tartar, plaque, sometimes curettage and detailed instruction in hygiene that is tightened in the case of periodontitis. Subsequent steps include regular and frequent check-ups combined with monitoring of the condition of the gums and bone around the teeth (measuring the depth of the so-called gingival pockets) and an intensified hygiene regime. Sometimes antibiotics are also included in the treatment of periodontitis.
How long does implant treatment take? Really 1 day?
Implant treatment at a specialized clinic makes it possible to implant a tooth in 1 day! During one visit, a tooth is removed, and an implant is placed in its place, along with a temporary crown. Review the individual several stages of implant treatment described at Procedure of implant treatment.

How to start implant treatment?
It should be started by qualifying for it. Qualification for such a procedure is decided by the dentist during implant consultation, after an examination and a CT scan. It all depends on the anatomical conditions in the patient's mouth (condition of the gum, bone, bite). In exceptional situations, Bone Regeneration is recommended first.
When can an implant not be used?
Despite the fact that implants are currently the most modern and widely recommended means of replacing missing teeth, they cannot always be implanted in a patient. There are a number of different contraindications that preclude this possibility, forcing the use of other prosthetic solutions. Fortunately, implantology is our expertise, so we know safe techniques for preparing even difficult cases for safe and correct implantation. You can find out about the details depending on your individual dentition at your consultation.
Osseointegration — or the most important process during implant treatment
Why is osseointegration so important? What it is. It is responsible for the implant remaining in the bone. Osseointegration is the cycle of fusion between the dental implant and the alveolar bone. It is a permanent process, so if successful, we can enjoy a stable implant. Implantology and osseointegration is our passion and main specialty confirmed by more than 25 years of experience in Poland and abroad, and many certifications — we do not perform these procedures occasionally. We are happy to provide consultation and answer even the most detailed questions. Feel free to contact us.

Osseointegration of the implant
In order for the process of connecting the implant to the bone to go smoothly, several factors must be taken into account:
- quantity and quality of bone,
- insertion of the implant by an experienced doctor, which is why a good implantologist is so important,
- the material of which the implant is made (in our offer we have only implants covered by the Clean Implant Foundation certificate),
- prosthetic crown, which should provide good functionality and aesthetics.
During the implant consultation, the alveolar bone and the quality of the gums are evaluated. The specialist analyzes the possibility of implant insertion and an x-ray is taken. Through consultation certain processes can be predicted, which will positively affect the osseointegration process.
The osseointegration process usually takes 4 to 6 months.

Types of stabilization
There are 3 types of stabilization of the implant in the bone:
- Primary stabilization, or mechanical stabilization — functions thanks to the thread of the implant and lasts for 6–8 weeks,
- Secondary stabilization — occurs immediately after the primary, the process takes place through biological osseointegration. It lasts about 4 months,
- Definitive stabilization — works while the implant is in use, reinforcing the osseointegration.
Osseointegration of an implant — how long does it take? One day or several months?
One-day implantation involves screwing in an implant immediately after a tooth extraction. An implant is screwed in place of the extraction, an abutment is attached to it and finally a temporary crown is cemented in place. Everything is done during one visit. This is called implantation.
After the dental implant is placed, there is no time for the bone to heal, so the initial stabilization of the implant consists only of mechanical anchoring in the bone with threads. Osseointegration occurs when the entire implant procedure is already done, and takes 4 to 6 months. The process of fusion of the implant with the bone is therefore difficult, in which case great care is recommended in taking care of the surgical site so that osseointegration is successful.
In summary, implantation is a one-time procedure, while osseointegration is a stabilization process that takes 4 to 6 months.
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