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After a procedure at the dentist — is there anything to be afraid of?

There is no reason to worry. We perform all procedures professionally, following all safety rules and strict sanitary and hygienic procedures. Numerous certifications and experience make the procedure safe, making recovery faster and more efficient. However, you can't forget a few rules, as how you take care of your mouth at home also has a big impact on the success of the procedure.


Can you drink alcohol after a dental procedure?

You can't, because alcohol will irritate the wound and impede healing. The prescribed antibiotic precludes combination with alcohol. Therefore, you should abstain from consuming intoxicating beverages for the period of taking the antibiotic.

Is it okay to eat after a dental procedure?

Until the anesthesia wears off, you should refrain from eating to avoid accidentally biting your tongue or cheek. What to eat after the procedure and after the anesthesia has subsided? In the following days, avoid hard and hot foods and bite on the side of the surgical site. This is the one time of year when the famous saying “Eat an apple every day, and see a doctor rarely” is not true. The apple is too hard to eat after treatment.

Is it okay to fly after a dental procedure?

It is recommended to refrain from air travel for 24–48 hours. Pressure jumps can cause pain. However, if it is necessary to fly on an airplane after the procedure, inform your dentist.

Should it hurt after anesthesia and a dental procedure?

Since the surgeon incises the gum during the procedures, patients are given a post-operative set of painkillers, which is sufficient for the patient to function efficiently after the procedure. However, if the patient experiences discomfort after a few days, it is worth consulting our clinic.

How long does plasma work after a dental procedure.

Platelet-rich plasma is a natural accelerator of tissue healing and regeneration.

Post-dental plasma in the form of I-PRF or a-PRF releases growth factor to accelerate healing for several crucial days after surgery.  


Other recommendations after surgery. 

  • do not smoke for 3–4 days after the procedure,
  • excessive physical activity should be abandoned for at least a week,
  • absolutely prohibit the use of saunas and swimming pools until the sutures are removed,
  • we use a new soft toothbrush,
  • we carefully wash the treatment site so as not to remove the clot or damage the sutures.

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