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A-PRF and I-PRF technique, or how our own plasma helps us

The a-PRF and i-PRF technique, or how our own plasma helps us

Platelet-rich fibrin, which is contained in i-PRF a-PRF preparations in dentistry, is a product of our body. It is created from the patient's blood centrifuged in a special centrifuge. The process is safe, and is performed in the dental office just before surgery. It causes no complications while providing benefits. 


Dental treatments with A-PRF

Plasma (PRF) is made from the patient's platelet concentrate. An assistant or doctor draws the blood just before the procedure and centrifuges it in a centrifuge. Since the platelet-rich plasma is from the patient's own blood, there is no rejection of the material with this procedure.

The resulting product is very valuable. Why? It is a natural accelerator of wound healing. Ideal after a procedure such as an extraction, it results in faster and simpler healing of the post-surgical site, as it acts to stimulate growth factors. Centrifuged plasma can also be used as a natural membrane, used in sinus lift surgery and as an additive to biomaterial. It is brilliantly accepted by the body because it is its own natural substance.

Which is better: a-PRF or i-PRF? Comparison.

Platelet-rich fibrin a-PRF used mainly as membranes during bone regeneration is a brilliant product in itself, but it can be modified a bit more. I-PRF — which is more liquid and lasts in this form for 12–15 minutes — is usually added to thicken the biomaterial placed during bone regeneration.

Both fibrin release growth factors over a longer period of time and in high concentration, which has beneficial effects on healing and the regeneration process.

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